Friday, June 11, 2010

Green Roofs Now Required by Law in Copenhagen

Keep buildings cooling by growing your roof.

Green Roofs Now Required by Law in Copenhagen: "greenroof-copenhagen.jpg
Photo via Inhabitat

A new policy adopted last month has made green roofs required by law on all new buildings with roof slopes of less than 30 degrees. The initiative is one part of the city's plan to become totally carbon neutral by 2025, Inhabitat reports (via GOOD). And it's pretty impressive how much new green growth the policy will lead to: ...Read the full story on TreeHugger

Guerilla Gardening. Literally.

Guerilla Gardening. Literally.: "Flower grenade photo
Image: Suck UK

Is it the militarization of gardening? Or the gardenization of weapons? Following in the tradition of putting flowers into gun barrels, Tony Minh Nguyen and SnowHome have taken inspiration from the concept of 'guerilla gardening' to design these clay hand grenades full of seeds. Rye grass seeds take root in the first week, then buttercups and poppies pop up a bit later. ...Read the full story on TreeHugger

Monday, June 7, 2010

LivingHomes and Nexterra Green Homes Team Up To Do Modern Green Prefab Right

I have always thought that prefrab houses are going to be the next generation of houses. It just makes sense. We may see more of houses like this in the future.

LivingHomes and Nexterra Green Homes Team Up To Do Modern Green Prefab Right: "nexterra livinghomes toronto photo exterior

TreeHugger has been a big fan of Steve Glenn and his Living Homes since it started. But when I first heard that they were coming to Canada I was a bit dubious, after a few years of working in the business here. I had concerns about the level of interest in modern prefab and the suitability of the Living Homes designs for the Canadian climate.

Now, having seen what Gary Lands and Barry Campbell of Nexterra Green Homes are planning, I realize that I was completely wrong. They have addressed every one of the proble...Read the full story on TreeHugger

Planning for the end of oil - Richard Sears (2010)

Can we live in a world without oil, I think that we can but we will have to make some drastic changes.

Richard Sears: Planning for the end of oil - Richard Sears (2010): "As the world's attention focuses on the perils of oil exploration, we present Richard Sears' talk from early February 2010. Sears, an expert in developing new energy resources, talks about our inevitable and necessary move away from oil. Toward ... what?"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Canadian Cabin for Fluffy Little Critters from Loyal Luxe

Canadian Cabin for Fluffy Little Critters from Loyal Luxe: "icff loyal luxe cardboard cat box photo
Loyal Luxe

Cats love cardboard boxes, any old cardboard box. So it takes some marketing skill to convince people to actually pay money for a cardboard box. Loyal Lux designs its cardboard box, which 'distinguishes itself through its innovative design and its humoristic thematic inspired by the Canadian style hunting chalets and their associated symbolism.' They were on display at the Designboom Mart....Read the full story on TreeHugger

Friday, May 14, 2010

Renovation Turns Old House Into Green Healthy House With Near Zero Heating Bills

Renovation Turns Old House Into Green Healthy House With Near Zero Heating Bills: "reep kitchener Ontario renovation green building photo exterior 1
all images and videos by Lloyd Alter

We know that almost half of our energy is consumed by buildings, and there are a lot of concerns about what to do with our older housing stock. In Kitchener Ontario, a non-profit called REEP (Residential Energy Efficiency Project) is doing an interesting experiment: They are taking two almost identical century homes and renovating them. One with a light touch, investing C$ 25K and cutting energy consumption in half; the other, a no-holds-barred lets-try-everything and go for net zero energy.

...Read the full story on TreeHugger

TEDTalks : Bill Gates on energy: Innovating to zero! - Bill Gates (2010)

TEDTalks : Bill Gates on energy: Innovating to zero! - Bill Gates (2010):

"At TED2010, Bill Gates unveils his vision for the world's energy future, describing the need for 'miracles' to avoid planetary catastrophe and explaining why he's backing a dramatically different type of nuclear reactor. The necessary goal? Zero carbon emissions globally by 2050."

A Solar-powered Super-yacht for the Super Rich

A Solar-powered Super-yacht for the Super Rich: "
solar yacht photo
Image from the Guardian

It could be a new addition to the Wretched Excess department. Conde Naste Traveller has already awarded it one of their 2010 Innovation & Design Awards for Sustainable Design.

It's a green super yacht called Soliloquy, which uses a combination of solar, wind and hybrid marine pow...Read the full story on TreeHugger

Biggest Loser Building Edition

You have heard of the Biggest Loser, well now the competition is now for big users of energy, commercial buildings.  Lets see how much they can loose before the next weigh in.

In an effort to get buildings to shed some of their bulging energy usage pounds, the EPA has just announced the National Buildings Competition where they challenge “14 buildings and the teams inside them,” to, “work off their weight with Energy Star.” The buildings range from a convention center in Virginia to an elementary school in Colorado and are all charged with the task of reducing their waste and cutting their energy consumption as much as they can in 180 days. Just like the game show The Biggest Loser, they’ll have a weigh in — the buildings have two – one halfway through and a final weigh in – to monitor their energy saving progress.

Buildings Compete in EPA’s “Biggest Energy Loser” Competition